This year’s Winter Camp at Sensation Station welcomes children age 4 – 8 years from the 18th to 22nd December 2016.
A week filled with fun and learning, delivered by our therapists, incorporating therapy-based activities to help develop and improve the areas of:
- Language
- Attention and Listening
- Gross and Fine Motor Coordination
- Social Skills
- Visual Perception
- Identifying and Managing Feelings
- Creative Arts
- Rhythmic Games & Movements
Children will have access structured play at our beautiful facilities, such as the sensory gym “Fun Junction”, the multi-sensory Snoezelen room “Wonder World”, the therapeutic recreation room “Move & Groove”, the arts and crafts room “Discovery Corner” and much more.
Camp Fees:
- Early Bird: AED 950. Get 20% off our regular fee for bookings and payments received by 30th November 2016.
- Regular: AED1,200
Additional Information:
- Camp Duration is: 3 hours per day, 5 days a week (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu) from 18 – 22 December 2016.
- Advance booking & payment is required, terms & conditions apply!
- Places are subject to availability and a Child Screening Questionnaire.
- Children’s Shadows & Nannies are welcome.
TO BOOK PLEASE CONTACT: Tel: 04-2776769 or email