Where does your child receive therapy? (%)
How would you rate the quality of our therapy services? (%)
Was the parent consultation process informative? (%)
Do you find the five minute verbal feedback from the therapist at the end of each session useful? (%)
Note: “No”- Weekly reports will be more informative.
Do you find it useful to receive feedback in the communication diary? (%)
Note: “NO”- Parents forgets to look into the communication book
How convenient is the location of Sensation Station? (%)
How would you rate the quality of the therapy rooms in Sensation Station? (%)
Do you think the cost of therapy services are in line with other centres of the same quality and standard? (%)
Note: “No”- Compare to other centre, the cost is very high.
Would you refer a friend to Sensation Station? (%)
Note: “No”- Not sure yet, too early to convince as it’s our new client
Would you like to receive email alerts of our in-house promotional activities and new services? (%)