Is your child “A Late Talker”?
Tips & Strategies from a Speech & Language Therapist Don’t panic! Sometimes children can be late to start using their words to communicate, but there are…
Tips & Strategies from a Speech & Language Therapist Don’t panic! Sometimes children can be late to start using their words to communicate, but there are…
DEFINITION OF THE WORD SPECTRUM: A range of different positions, opinions, etc. between two extreme points All professionals in the field of childhood development agree that if…
As a pediatric Occupational Therapist, the more consultations I have with parents, the more I find that the clients we work with have had minimal…
“Sarah” was a 3 year old with delayed language skills who attended weekly speech therapy sessions. Sarah’s mum sat in on her sessions so that…
Supporting individuals with an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) Obsessional behaviours or Special Interests Before we go on to talk about strategies to help manage obsessional…
TEACCH – Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped CHildren. Despite the archaic use of the term ‘handicapped’, TEACCH does exactly what it…
AN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PERSPECTIVE What is Stress? Stress is a normal part of life and something we all experience on a daily basis. We all…
Parent’s Guide to Children’s Speech & Sound Development *Please note – These norms are based on an English speaking populations Children begin to make sounds…
The skills that a child needs to tell a story are called narrative skills. Narrative skills can include the following: vocabulary, question words, concepts of…
What is tummy time? Tummy time is where a baby is positioned on their tummy for an amount of time. This can be on your…